How can we capture live photos with moves over jpegs ?

A format for compressing image files,'jpeg' no longer holds its charms for being the only prevalent around town. Over time and witness to evolution,it could be clearly brought into light how live photos has emerged. So here we are fellas,with a photography experience like none other! Wherein boomerangs are shoot a one-second burst of five photos that are turned into a silent video that plays forwards and then reverses over and over in a loop,Movense allows you to do more or less the same but better by being able to let one view the recorded move only through slightly flipping opposite sides of your phone!With picture formats evolving at such speed,one can easily relate and want to stay updated with the trend and top notch options available! Moves over JPEGS now,eh?

Recent topping the list has seen 'gifs' & 'boomerang' evolving and making their way up.One such recently evolved photography platform is 'Movense' with a new picture format named 'move'. You can capture and relive those pictures in moves over jpegs! You can here see for yourself not only a recorded move but also a real uphold to the fun the move successfully records.

There is no universal image format that is best for all scenarios.With innovations in technology always laying platform for further development in all related fields,this could be one turning point in motion photography.
Why bother scripting dead long 6-15 minutes videos when you have the option to unveil the crux of the moment through a 1-2 seconds motion photography platform!After all,it's tough to be boring when you have so little time to yourself. Duh?!

Click here to download the Movense app!


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